Simple Ways to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 19, 2011

We all know that prostate cancer can happen to any male and it is a very common type of cancer. There are ways to incorporate certain foods into the diet in order to greatly reduce the chances of getting prostate cancer and it is well to add these types of food in any regiment. One of the easiest dishes to add the fish, it is because fish oil has been found to dramatically reduce the risk of getting prostate cancer by as much as eleven percent. Most cultures have a lot of fish in their diet have a very low rate of a population of prostate cancer.

of selenium can also be simply a response to the reduction of prostate cancer, you can add a daily vitamin with 200 micrograms to help you. Vitamin E is also a good idea. Soy products, soy milk and tofu (yuk) are also good things to add to your diet, if and when possible. Tomato sauce is something you should add to your diet and you should be able to do without too much trouble.

Unfortunately, we have seen an increase of prostate cancer by about 3% per year in whites, 2.3 per year to black ljudi.Dobra news is most people do not die of prostate cancer these days because of good reviews, better treatment and early the disclosure.

Some things you should not eat? So a high intake of fat, meat and dairy products. If you love to cook red meat on the grill, you might want to do it in moderation. Smoking and alcohol do not seem bad for prostate cancer, but the risks of other cancers as well as we all know. There are many other things that can add to your diet that you should be thinking about it. Maybe you should study this subject and I think of it now remains to annual review, because if prostate cancer and it is treated early, you stand a good chance to come into a great one.

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5 Early Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Posted by writer on Monday, October 17, 2011

Some statistics show that the survival rate of prostate cancer can be as high as 98 percent if the disease is caught in its early stages. But how can one go about securing their prostate cancer gets diagnosed in time? Even with regular prostate screenings, tumors must be large enough to be visible. Well, maybe you will not be able to catch prostate cancer in phase 1, but if you pay attention to your body and let your doctor aware of anything unusual during a check-up, you can increase your chances of catching it, because it goes to Phase 2nd To adequately do this, you should be aware of the five symptoms of early prostate cancer. They are explained in more detail below.

1 Urinary Problems

The first symptoms of prostate cancer have urinary problems. You May be wondering why urinary problems in this list of symptoms of prostate cancer if the bladder is the prostate? It is easy, as tumors grow they push against the body, which is still very close to the prostate. When this happens, a person will experience incontinence, urination problems at all (in spite of incontinence) and very low urine flow.

2.Prisutnost blood

symptom 2 with even more alarming than urinary incontinence. This includes the presence of blood in human urine and / or seeds.

3 Erectile Dysfunction

of the symptoms listed here, erectile dysfunction makes the most sense, since the prostate is a sex organ. However, erectile dysfunction is such a common problem among older people, they May not even suspected prostate cancer. May they think they are experiencing a psychological problem, or maybe you just need a dose of Viagra. Either way, it's not worth the risk. If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction, discuss with your doctor to make sure of prostate cancer can be completely ruled out.

4 Swelling in the legs

that swelling in the legs to be on the list of 5 symptoms of early prostate cancer? This is because when the disease begins to metastasize, it will spread to the lymph nodes. As a result of unhealthy lymph nodes will begin to accumulate in the legs, resulting in swelling.

5 Pelvic discomfort

pelvic discomfort is a list of the symptoms of prostate cancer, because when the disease affects the lymph nodes, it can cause them to press against the nerves in the pelvis, resulting in pain.

In conclusion, please note the list of 5 symptoms of early prostate cancer. If you are experiencing any of them, to discuss the situation with your doctor. If he or she is suspected to have prostate cancer, they will perform a series of tests, including general rectal exam, ultrasound and blood tests. If the tumor can be found, they perform a biopsy to determine if prostate cancer.

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More Men Die With Prostate Cancer Than of It

Posted by writer on Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men after lung cancer. Each year kills more than 30,000 American men.

There are two different types of cancer - an aggressive and deadly both slower growing and less harmful one. Making possible to detect prostate cancer and its severity expectation is a way to save thousands of people a year from surgery (treatment), they should not. The big problem is not the surgery itself, but the situation will be confronted with adverse reactions to treatment, such as impotence, bladder control troubles and possible worst conditions.

To be able for this performance, doctors use various methods tehnike.Najnovije include 3-D mapping, biopsy of the way the grid is located above the prostate to estimate the amount of cancer and the precise location. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is another possibility to detect the severity of prostate cancer. Because PSA can detect how fast cancer is changing over time, experts hope to soon be able to predict a more aggressive form of prostate cancer.

In the context of accuracy, more typical methods have recently been the subject of debate. One of the panel concluded that there is still a standard biopsy helps doctors determine whether cancer is present.

prostate cancer patients should be very interested in the doctor's abilities and methods to determine the severity of their illness. They have the right to evaluate the stage and progression of cancer as more people die with prostate cancer from it.

More aboutMore Men Die With Prostate Cancer Than of It

Prostate Cancer Treatment

Posted by writer on Monday, October 10, 2011

Prostate cancer has become a bone of contention among American men to enjoy a quality of life. Almost all of these people who have retired from their work to enjoy the fruits of their labor for so many years, but their desire to use their remaining years and the pension is set aside, because many of them, if not all suffering from cancer prostate.

Prostate cancer is caused when abnormal cells begin to attack the prostate and other tissues in blizini.Abnormalne cells in the near future will form a mass or tumor that tumor.Tip poorly can affect the prostate is malignant. When the malignant cells seen in the prostate region, under the influence of a man will begin to feel symptoms.

symptoms common among men living with prostate cancer are unusual urge to urinate frequently, problems making first stream of urine, burning sensation and painful urination. Other symptoms include pain in the pelvic area and lower back, but not beyond the upper thighs, the presence of blood in the urine and semen.

When a patient is diagnosed to be positive of cancer through a combination of tests such as the digital rectal exam, prostate-specific antigen test, and transurethral ultrasound, the doctor can be a variety of treatments for patients with prostate cancer.

Speaking about the treatment of prostate cancer, cryotherapy will surely be on the list. Cryotherapy is a medical procedure that uses a cryogenic substance in inhibiting cancer cells in the developing world. The process uses a needle inserted into the perineum (the skin that connects the anus and scrotum). The needle is attached to a machine that contains the cryogenic substance. Once the needle, a tiny ice balls will be released in the prostate gland, so freezes cancer cells and prostate.

Another cancer treatment is brachytherapy. This procedure uses the seed implants that emit radioactive rays. This seed implants that have the same size of a grain of rice are implanted into the prostate using a special needle, which will contain sjemenke.Igla the same way with krioterapija.Liječnik will insert a finger into the rectum to feel the prostate and make sure that the seed implants are placed properly and safely. This method works the same way as radiotherapy, in this case the radiation is coming from inside.

Radical prostatectomy is considered a major surgery in the treatment bespomoćan.Cilj procedure is to remove the prostate in order to avoid further damage to other organs closest to the prostate.

Prostate cancer can be skupo.Bolesnik can choose any of the treatments available with regard to his age, financial capacity, the risks and benefits of treatment selected.

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The Options For Prostrate Cancer Treatment

Posted by writer on Thursday, October 6, 2011

Aging today for a man brings with it one of the greatest modern day fears: prostrate cancer. Age is not as much concern as to the condition or even death, when faced with the possibility of this disease. That is, in essence, something that men learn to expect as they grow older, pretty much as expected menopausal women. However, while all women have to go through it, some lucky people do not have to suffer from prostrate cancer. Why prostrate cancer strikes so many people? What are the causes? Although many studies have been done, the research has not thrown up any convincing, categorical answer.

, on the other hand, prostrate cancer treatment options have come a long way. Today you have the choice of treatment you decide to give the severity of your condition. Let's look at some of the most popular ones.

ADT or Androgen Deprivation Therapy is done with surgical castration so obviously most people would like to give this a wide berth. Also called orchidectomy and right now, there is a similar method that was developed using the hormone control of drugs. This puts the line of treatment to stop the body from producing testosterone. This in turn stops the transformation of testosterone into DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, which is a metabolite of the cancer is a stimulant. That is one option that is widely used.

is the second cryotherapy. It was the backburner for a while, but now comes back into his own as an effective line of treatment. It is a process where low temperatures are used to kill cancer cells. What is used is a liquid argon, which is administered to the affected sites, and the cells are destroyed with the least possible damage to the surrounding areas. In general, this is probably the option with the least number of complications. However, some of the complications can include sexual dysfunction.

In the radical prostatectomy, a problem directly addressed by the removal of the prostrate gland. Now it includes a highly skilled procedure with a high degree of surgical skill or else it could lead to incontinence and impotence. What most people will opt for other options, but if anything can be done.

radiation include brachytherapy, external beam radiation and high dose brachytherapy. Here, radiation is delivered directly to the affected site. This is truly one of the more common features that people go in for it, but there are several major side effects such as incontinence, infertility and impotencija.Izlječenja also not that high, and usually people who go through this, opt for another line of treatment as a follow-up treatment .

Finally, it is up to you, in consultation with your doctor to call on the treatment you want to opt for. Everything will depend on how advanced your prostrate cancer, as a skilled surgeon, you have access and how you see life after treatment. Take a look at the pros and cons of each treatment, and then select the option you like best.

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