5 Early Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Posted by writer on Monday, October 17, 2011

Some statistics show that the survival rate of prostate cancer can be as high as 98 percent if the disease is caught in its early stages. But how can one go about securing their prostate cancer gets diagnosed in time? Even with regular prostate screenings, tumors must be large enough to be visible. Well, maybe you will not be able to catch prostate cancer in phase 1, but if you pay attention to your body and let your doctor aware of anything unusual during a check-up, you can increase your chances of catching it, because it goes to Phase 2nd To adequately do this, you should be aware of the five symptoms of early prostate cancer. They are explained in more detail below.

1 Urinary Problems

The first symptoms of prostate cancer have urinary problems. You May be wondering why urinary problems in this list of symptoms of prostate cancer if the bladder is the prostate? It is easy, as tumors grow they push against the body, which is still very close to the prostate. When this happens, a person will experience incontinence, urination problems at all (in spite of incontinence) and very low urine flow.

2.Prisutnost blood

symptom 2 with even more alarming than urinary incontinence. This includes the presence of blood in human urine and / or seeds.

3 Erectile Dysfunction

of the symptoms listed here, erectile dysfunction makes the most sense, since the prostate is a sex organ. However, erectile dysfunction is such a common problem among older people, they May not even suspected prostate cancer. May they think they are experiencing a psychological problem, or maybe you just need a dose of Viagra. Either way, it's not worth the risk. If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction, discuss with your doctor to make sure of prostate cancer can be completely ruled out.

4 Swelling in the legs

that swelling in the legs to be on the list of 5 symptoms of early prostate cancer? This is because when the disease begins to metastasize, it will spread to the lymph nodes. As a result of unhealthy lymph nodes will begin to accumulate in the legs, resulting in swelling.

5 Pelvic discomfort

pelvic discomfort is a list of the symptoms of prostate cancer, because when the disease affects the lymph nodes, it can cause them to press against the nerves in the pelvis, resulting in pain.

In conclusion, please note the list of 5 symptoms of early prostate cancer. If you are experiencing any of them, to discuss the situation with your doctor. If he or she is suspected to have prostate cancer, they will perform a series of tests, including general rectal exam, ultrasound and blood tests. If the tumor can be found, they perform a biopsy to determine if prostate cancer.

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